My Name is Brett Bartholomew.
Poor communication nearly cost me my life- now, I help others navigate the gray area of social interaction so they can become more adaptable leaders.
Speaking Highlight Reel
Brett’s diverse speaking experiences range from keynote addresses and lectures to clinics and conferences. He’s addressed and worked with a multitude of professions- from coaches and first responders to c-suite executives and every demographic in between. Specializing in social agility, leadership, power dynamics and interpersonal relationships, check out this video to hear him speak and get a feel for what others say about him!
About Brett Bartholomew
Brett Bartholomew is a performance coach, author, keynote speaker, and founder of Art of Coaching™.
Art of Coaching™ consults with corporations in the financial and tech sector, medical professionals, military, as well as professional sporting organizations to enhance their ability to lead more effectively through a better understanding of human behavior, persuasion, and power dynamics.
His book Conscious Coaching: The Art & Science of Building Buy-In, was named
- The #1 Bestseller in Sports Coaching on Amazon
- The #8 Bestseller in Business & Leadership on Amazon
- TOP 100 Bestseller on Amazon
Conscious Coaching is currently used by several universities to help guide future coaches and professionals.
Prior to his work in the leadership space, Brett served as a performance coach for a diverse range of athletes across 23 sports worldwide including those who compete in the NFL, NBA, MLB, UFC, MLS, and NCAA, the Olympics as well as members of the U.S. Special Forces and Fortune 500 companies.
Learn more about Brett Bartholomew
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As coaches, athletes, teachers and leaders, we often tend to get myopic within our domain and end up micromanaging instead of focusing on doing the simple things savagely well across the board.
Regardless of sport, no one trait by itself will ever ensure long-term success – a balanced mastery of fundamentals will.
Conscious Coaching trains athletes to adapt and adjust to new people, situations and obstacles. It’s about matching people with a process through development and a flexible roadmap instead of a rigid system. To do this, you must understand BOTH the art and the science of what you do as well as enhance your understanding of human nature.
Humans are the ultimate performance variable and learning how to develop them from the inside in a unique, ethical, and personal way is the ultimate competitive advantage.
“None of the tools or knowledge that we acquire mean anything if we cannot use them in a skillful and unique manner. The “HOW” matters just as much as the “WHAT” and the “WHY.”
– Brett Bartholomew
#1 Bestseller in Sports Coaching on Amazon
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